Amateur Drama in the UK

Last modified: 3 February, 1996


There is a lot of local and national amateur drama (`Am Dram') in the UK. Amateur means un-paid, it doesn't mean `bad'. Having said that, the quality can vary between embarrassing and sublime (a bit like professional theatre really!). Often, amateur drama is able to be more adventurous than professional as there are fewer profit and loss considerations, there again, there are one or two old chestnuts that get put on time and time again!

Club Listings are held elsewhere, this file contains details of associations and festivals.

Quite a bit of the amateur drama is also aimed at festivals, often competitive. These are usually for one act plays but full length festivals can also be found.

Some acronyms to know:

Drama Festivals

Major festivals at professional theatres are also included in the regional listings and the All Festival listings

Drama Associations

Drama Association of Wales
1st Floor, Chapter Arts Centre, Market Road, Canton, Cardiff. 01222 43794.
Scottish Community Drama Association
Saltire House, 13 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 8A. 0131 557 5552.
Association of Ulster Drama Festivals
Flat 5, 1 Belmont Church Road, Belfast, BT4 3FF. (Secretary on 01574 72840)

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